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Montana History both old and not so old
We have a multitude of inside jokes in our family. Most of them have something to do with us kids saying something goofy. For instance one brother, as a young child, took a shot at stand up comedy by telling all of us his “classic” Knock-Knock jokes at Christmas.
Continue reading “The Anvil’s Ring : No Good Deed Goes Unpunished”Is Freedom Just Another Word For Nothing Left To Lose?
Very little attention was paid in the press to Bloody Sunday this year. Not the Bloody Sunday of Ireland but here in the United States. It seemed odd to me what with all the talk of voting rights, human rights, and civil rights that, other than one photo I saw with Vice President Harris at the Edmund Pettus bridge, little was said about it.
Continue reading “The Anvil’s Ring: Freedom > Freedumb”Now for something different. I entered a publisher’s writing contest 6 weeks ago. It was a Short/Short Story contest where you were given a topic, a short paragraph in this case. Your story needed to just touch the topic some how and you had 24 hours and less than 900 words to write about it. Much to my surprise I won a prize. My choice of an e-book on writing which is great because I can always use all the help I can get. I Tweeted out my triumph on Twitter and some followers suggested I print it so…this is all their fault! Hope you enjoy it.
Continue reading “The Anvil’s Ring: The More Things Change”I’m a great one for tradition but only the ones that have meaning behind them. Let me explain.
Continue reading “The Anvil’s Ring: Tradition!”I wrote this before the Russian invasion of Ukraine and forgot to post it while glued to television and press reports of the horrific events going on in a part of the world we here in the US pay so little attention to. If this post seems trivial in light of current events I apologize.
Continue reading “The Anvil’s Ring: Scaling Mount Olympus”Let’s catch our breath a minute. (I’m assuming you were breathlessly reading Part 1. If you haven’t read it, shame on you! Stop and go to the link below, read, and then come back. We’ll wait.)
Continue reading “Lynching Montana’s History, Part 2”Posted by John O’Connell, MontanaHistorian.com
Tom Nichols is an American writer and academic who taught at the US Naval War College and at the Harvard Extension School. He is an expert on Russia, nuclear weapons and national security affairs.
Continue reading “The Anvil’s Ring: Let An Actual Expert Speak”By John O’Connell, MontanaHistorian.com
No, despite the title I’m not going to write about the Amish.( Still, if you haven’t seen Harrison Ford and Kelly McGillis in the movie Witness, you really should.)
Continue reading “The Anvil’s Ring: Watch Out For Them English”By John O’Connell, MontanaHistorian.com
A key feature of human existence is that despite the development of religion, philosophy, and psychology our behavior towards our fellow men and women hasn’t seemed to evolve into something more noble or at the very least something better than what I imagine we exhibited when modern humans first walked the earth. It is so remarkable that the Bible mentions the phenomenon in Ecclesiastes 1:9. “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.”
Continue reading “Lynching Montana’s History, Part 1”